Opening of the Gaia Festival of Attica

With a resounding “Ode to the Earth” the curtain opened the 1st Gaia Festival of Attica | New Thesmoforia.

An enchanting symphonic choreography, crowds of people and loud messages of ecological awareness and awakening starred in the opening of the 1st Gaia Attica Festival 2023 | New Thesmoforia

With more than 70 performers, exceptional lyrical voices, the soloist Vasilis Saleas, 2 separate choirs, a dreamy dance and sounds of ancient Greek instruments, the curtain opened yesterday, Sunday 17 September, the original Gaia Attica Festival of Attica, organized by the Development Organization “New Metropolitan Attica”, on the initiative of the Region of Attica under the auspices of the Hellenic Tourism Organization.

The evening was dedicated to the value of nature and the promotion of the preciousness of the Attica land, celebrating the environment and confirming that culture can unite, communicate and activate.

Event Video: the Thesmoforion Dance – An Ode to Earth | Event

Drawing inspiration from the festival of the ancient Thesmoforia, a celebration of fertility and fruitfulness, the original Symphonic Audiovisual Choreography “Thesmoforian Dance: an Ode to the Earth” was presented in an original performance composed by George Voukanos with the Melody Chamber Orchestra and conducted by George Aravidis.  The work took the audience on an allegorical journey to ancient Greece, linking myth with folk tradition. The audience of Atticus Altos enjoyed the authentic sounds of the clarinet of Vassilis Saleas and the lyrical voices of soprano Ada Athanasopoulou and tenor Stavros Salambasopoulos, while the excellent musical composition was accompanied by the narrators Dimitris Manginas and Chrysa Roma. The texts and lyrics of the performance belong to Efi Panagopoulou. The band of Ancient Greek Instruments “Lyraylos” brought us timeless sounds with musical instruments from the past and the choir GraduArti embroidered the evening with female voices. Choreographer Artemis Ignatiou curated a dreamy dance on and around the stage, reverently shaping new reflections and vital messages. The multiscreen performance was complemented by impressive video art projections by Yannis Spiroounis on the rock of Atticus Grove, enchanting the audience. The scientific advisor of the event was Dr. Aikaterini Polymerou-Kamilaki, directed by Angela Gerekou (pro bono contribution).

The event was welcomed by the Governor of Attica, G. Patoulis and the President of E.O.T. Angela Gerekou. A large number of people attended and applauded the performers of the show in an enthusiastic manner, including personalities from the public administration, local government, culture and academia.

The Governor of Attica, G. Patoulis, stressed the importance of the initiative, the organization and implementation of a festival that focuses on the key and topical principles of environmental awareness, sustainability and sustainability of the Attica Earth. He stated: “A very special evening yesterday in Attica Grove that we love so much. We opened the curtain of the Attica Gaia Festival – New Institutions, organised this year for the first time by the Region of Attica in collaboration with the EOT. We highlight the history, the potential and the prospects of Attica’s land. With emphasis on extroversion, we connect the primary productive sector with culture and tourism, we highlight the products, the potential and the rich cultural tradition of Attica Land. This Festival is a pioneering initiative and a valuable legacy for further strengthening the extroversion of Attica’s products”.

The President of EOT, Angela Gerekou, said: “The New Institutions – Attica Gaia Festival of Attica was not created to be just another festival, another celebration. Their aim is to awaken and alert all of us, State and citizens, in order to preserve Attica Land, its fruits and its cultural heritage. These are the basic prerequisite, the ground, literally, for any development action to take place in a sustainable manner. Warm thanks to the Regional Governor, to the people of the Region and “New Metropolitan Attica”, who embraced from the very first moment and implemented this initiative of the National Tourism Organization in an exemplary manner, to Dr. Aikaterini Polymerou – Kamilaki, for her decisive scientific contribution and to George Voukanos and all the artists of the dance drama we attended, “Thesmoforion Dance, An Ode to the Earth”.


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