Attica Gaia Festival 2023 | New Thesmoforia

A great celebration of culture, ecology and sustainability in Attica Earth

Seven innovative actions, musical events, scientific workshops, gastronomic experiences, multiple experiential workshops and nine days of activities make up the valuable account of the 1st Attica Gaia Festival 2023 | New Thesmoforia.

The great success and the warm response of the public of Attica to the Festival establishes a new pioneering institution in the cultural – and not only!

Event Video: Attica Gaia Festival 2023 – New Institutions | A celebration of culture, ecology & sustainability

The fertile land of Attica, its products, environmental awareness, the principles of sustainability and sustainable development, as well as the rich cultural heritage of Attica, were the protagonists of the artistic, scientific and culinary pulse of the city during the 1st Attica Gaia Festival 2023 – New Institutions from 16 to 27 September.

The Festival drew inspiration from the ancient festival of Thesmoforia, a celebration of fertility and fruitfulness in honour of the goddess Demeter, cultivating a modern and meaningful “meeting ground” of culture with the primary sector of development, agri-food, tourism, mythological past and tradition.

The Festival was organized by the Development Organization “New Metropolitan Attica”, on the initiative of the Region of Attica and under the auspices of the Hellenic Tourism Organization, confirming new important partnerships around the natural environment and the land of Attica.

The actions of the Festival were characterised by multidimensional, innovative proposals with interesting diversity and a distinct identity, and addressed both adults and children. At the same time, important places of Attica with environmental interest were highlighted, as the events stretched from the Athens Metropolitan Park, the beloved Areos Field to the hill of the Attic Grove, Alimos and Tritsis Park. The common denominator was the interesting connection between the classical and the contemporary, the past with the present and the future. More specifically, the city’s public had the opportunity to participate in educational and experiential workshops of environmental and agri-food interest at the Antonis Tritsis Park, a topical scientific workshop on the wealth of Attica’s land at the Old Parliament, cultural events of traditional music and dance groups in Drapetsona, music and theatre performances at the “Katina Paxinou” Theatre of the Attic Grove, gastronomic events at the Athenian Riviera, modern mixologist tasting experiences at Kerameikos, music evenings, storytellings and d.j. sets at Pedion to Areos.

The Festival was attended by a large number of people who rushed to embrace the Festival’s initiative, ensuring a significant response and enthusiasm, while artists, academics, researchers, personalities from the public administration, etc. The significant impact of the Festival seems to lead to the establishment of a topical and interactive institution in the coming years in Attica, aiming at the synthesis of a modern identity of a dynamic, extroverted and sustainable metropolitan area.


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